Date: September 24th – 26th
Location: Kenjgewin Teg, M’Chigeeng First Nation
This gathering will focus on aligning Indigenous Knowledge with How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years.
To inspire a desire for learning, educators will learn how land-based theory and practice can be used to create high quality early learning environments.
The goal of the first two days of this gathering will be to deepen the teaching bundles of early learning educators and administrators through land-based learning opportunities with Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers. Key takeaways will be what educators and administrators should have knowledge of, respect for, and be able to apply within early learning settings. Making connections to How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years, will take place on day three
Several indoor and outdoor learning spaces will be utilized over the three days, so we kindly ask all attendees to dress accordingly.
In lieu of registration fee, we kindly ask all attendees to bring an item for a giveaway; which will take place on day three of the gathering.
PLEASE NOTE: This gathering is intended for First Nation, Metis, and Inuit on/off reserve Indigenous educators. Please self-identify on the registration form.
Visit the following link to register:
If you have any questions, please contact:
Hosted By: Ontario Indigenous Centre of Excellence
Ontario Aboriginal Head Start Association
Kenjgewin Teg