Embedding Indigenous Knowledge in Early Years and Child Care

The Ontario Indigenous Centre of Excellence for Early Years and Child Care is extending an invitation to early years professionals to attend our upcoming Knowledge Exchange Gathering: Wednesday, September 18 from 10am – 12 pm. 

This month, Elders, Knowledge Keepers, and educators will discuss the importance of relationships in early years environments.  Indigenous pedagogy is rooted in a relational context therefore the gathering will highlight the importance of our relations between: children, educators, families, animals, plants and the land with connection to How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s pedagogy for the Early Years.  

This gathering will be hosted online via Zoom and open to the public and community stakeholders.

Please, register by: Monday September 16th at 12 pm EST to hold your space.

In addition, we will be launching our first Twitter Gathering: Thursday September 19th, at 6 pm EDT.  Join us on Twitter to continue engaging in the discussion: All of Our Relations with the Ontario Indigenous Centre of Excellence and early years professionals across the province.

Visit the Ontario Indigenous Centre of Excellence (@OICOE1 ) on Twitter where a series of provocations will be Tweeted.

When generating your reply please use the hashtag, #OICOEKnowledgeExchange at the end of your Tweet to participate in the discussion.

Please, fill out the form below to register for the gathering recording.